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How you can donate and help OUR Church

The vision and mandate God has given our ministry is very BIG, we know we can not do this thing called ministry alone. That is why we rely on the help of our supporters, your giving makes the difference. We have various outreach initiatives and all of them our funded by our ministry through the help of people like you. 


We  want you to challenge your self to help make a difference, lets see more lives impacted and changed because we gave of our excess to be a blessing to someone else. Of course you may give your tithes as you ought, it is commanded in scripture to bring it to the store house that it may be meat in the house, in other words God knew it takes resources to make the ministry work effectively. Will YOU be a blessing and give TODAY?

ways you can donate:



At any of our services you may give and be a blessing, just ask for an envelope.


Just simply click here and it will direct you to our paypal link where you can make a one time donation or become a monthly partner.

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button



Mail all of your donation directly to our address, we thank and appreciate all our distant supporters. 



In this day and time everything is about convenience so by simply texting "GIVE" to 77457, you can be a blessing as well.



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